Where we Live Free Or Die

Friday, November 16, 2012

As Time Passes

    I haven't been able to write in months,i guess most people call it writers block but for me it has been much more.
    Our heart strings have been pulled to their breaking points,and have had much sorrow flowing through our families. It has taken many months of sole searching and many hours of turning the heartache into beautiful memories.

    As time passes... life goes on and we are all so busy with our busy little lives we begin to realize how much healing has taken place,it is your family,friends or a complete stranger who has helped you along the way with a simple hug,a joke,a smile but in some way it has given you the strength to move on.

    I am ready....to grasp that golden ring one more time, and take all this positive energy that has started to flow and create many beautiful memories to come..



Friday, April 6, 2012

The most wonderful thing is happening.....

    September,1979 was... i believe the most memorable day of my life my son was born and at that moment my whole world changed, it was no longer just me it was me & him. I knew i would never be alone again and that he was the true meaning of unconditional love that filled my heart.

   The years have come and gone..we have had many ups and downs... i've grown up and so has he.. and  i look back and think how fast our lives have past like a blink of an eye, but i hold all my cherished memories deep in my heart for only me and me alone...I couldn't have had a better son he's kind,gentle,smart,funny (he gets that from me) and most of all he is truly genuine and has become a wonderful man & husband,

   Of all my hopes and dreams for him that he would find his place in this world ...he has.. to the most amazing women... his childhood sweetheart and only love... Now as i write this my heart has been bursting with joy...as you see i'm going to be a grandmother...and i can add to my heart the most wonderful memories yet to unfold...Thank-you... now me alone i am complete as a wife,mother,friend,grandmama

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sweet Bailey Dean

          One of my last blogs was about my sweet bailey dean that had gone missing, It was called The Longest 3 1/2 Days i thought for sure when he came home all my worries and heartache were over, little did i know they were just beginning.The fun family holidays came and went,a bright New Year to look forward to.Well that bright new year has faded to black and our bailey had fallen deathly sick and passed away 2/21/12 he was a warrior, spartan, ruler of his kingdom, my garden buddy, most of all our friend who continuously loved us unconditionally for 11 wonderful years. We have placed him back in his kingdom next to one of his favorite places The Catnip Garden. Tho we will miss him dearly, he will forever live in our hearts...